Vanity Fair, the prestigious fashion magazine has praised the Joma technical sportswear collection, being worn by the Spanish Athletics Team in Brazil this year, as some of the best designs in the word. According to the influential global publication, the Joma designs are of an international standard, comparable to world famous designers such as Chanel, Emporia Armani, Ralph Lauren, Stella McCartney, Lacoste and H&M.
The Spanish technical collection features inspirational phrases aimed at magnifying the sense of national pride in every team member and driving them to glory. Each piece has been carefully developed to offer the highest levels of technical performance for both men and women athletes. And each garment has been cut and shaped with precision to ensure comfort in the harsh climate.
The 20-strong design, marketing and communications team at Joma’s headquarters in Portillo de Toldeo includes a number of ex-athletes, including former members of international teams. The Joma team is also responsible for providing another ten international athletics teams from Portugal, Mexico, Morocco, Andorra, Moldova, Malta, Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Bulgaria, accounting for almost 10% of the overall number of members in attendance.