Data gathered by DataCentric takes Joma to the number one spot of Toledo’s most relevant companies.
The DataCentric data centre has conducted a study of large Spanish companies and about which one is the most important in each province. Here at Joma, we have the privilege of being the most relevant company of the province of Toledo, according to this study. The ranking of relevance has been created by combining and analysing multiple data, such as the number of employees and the national turnover, among others.
Joma is proud to be in this position after more than 50 years of history and experience. Since we were founded in 1965, we have continued to grow until we have positioned ourselves at the level we are currently at: a leading sports brand on a provincial and national level, in addition to being in the top 10 of brands globally. In fact, we are one of the companies involved in the manufacture and marketing of sports equipment with the highest sales in the world.
Strong retail presence in Spain, with Joma as one of its protagonists
Equally, DataCentric’s conclusions point to a strong presence of the business in the Spanish industry. This is where Joma finds itself positioned, together with other companies from the sector that are involved in selling other types of products. To get here, we have continuously improved the quality and technology of our products, listening to customers’ needs and investing an increasing amount in R+D+i. A combination of factors has enabled us to position ourselves at the top and attend numerous trade fairs, events and competitions all over the world. That’s why professional athletes, teams and federations place their trust in us to produce their kit.
Ultimately, this study places Joma at the forefront of the market once again, as one of the most important drivers of the local economy of Toledo and Spain.