Dyego Zuffo, a renowned player in the Spanish first division of futsal and part of the #JomaTeam, has been named the Best Player in the World for 2024 by the prestigious FutsalPlanet Awards, in recognition of his leadership in the Brazilian national team that won the 2024 World Cup. In that competition, he was named MVP and wore specially designed shoes for #JomaPlayers, standing out on the court for his talent and style.
This award comes after a golden season, where Dyego has once again shown why he is one of the best internationally. The Brazilian player has made his mark in futsal history, following in the footsteps of great figures like Pito, who also belongs to the #JomaTeam and also won this same award in 2022, marked by dedication and teamwork.
The FutsalPlanet award, one of the most important in futsal, recognizes the best players in the world each year, and Dyego has shown that he deserved this title in 2024. His talent and effort have been key to continuing to be a reference in the sport and achieving the coveted Futsal World Cup title.
At Joma, we are proud to accompany Dyego Zuffo and be part of each of his steps during his career as a professional footballer.
Joma as a reference in futsal
With renowned figures such as Dyego Zuffo, Peque, or Pito standing out on the courts, Joma continues to consolidate itself as a leader in this sport. The brand, present in top teams like Movistar Inter FS, ElPozo Murcia FS, Pescados Rubén Burela FS, and FS Vinalbali Valdepeñas, continues to innovate and design high-quality kits.