The Joma brand has re-opened the Brazilian market after its first introduction between 2002 and 2007 when its expectations were not fulfilled. Now, with a new strategy and distribution, Joma returns with its four sport shoe lines: soccer, indoor soccer, athletics and tennis, with an objective of consolidating the brand among the top five sports brands in the Country. The Company has changed its modus operandi and no longer has a subsidiary and now is working through a national Distributor. This change has been made in view of the difficulty of the Brazilian market, its import restrictions, taxes and logistics of which a national company has a greater knowledge of the local market and its peculiarities. Joma will be in the shops as of January 2012. The Distributor has set a growth rate of 40% for 2014, year in which Brazil will host the Soccer World Championship, and the importance of soccer is growing at a good rate. This is a great opportunity for our well-known soccer brand in Central and South America. The distribution strategy has changed but the marketing strategy remains the same, in other words Sponsorship, which has opened many doors to Joma all over the World. The Brand has already signed Sponsorship contracts with professional athletes, professional 1st Division soccer and indoor soccer teams.