JOMA by supporting Rugby has linked its brand over the coming years to the Spanish Rugby Federation (FER). An agreement that has been sealed at the headquarters of the Spanish multinational and in the presence of Alfonso Feijoo García, President of the Spanish Federation of Rugby, and the Creative Director of the Textile Division and International Clubs Sponsorship Manager, Alberto López.
This sponsorship agreement will last 5 years and will involve dressing all rugby categories, both male and female, forming part of FER, Rugby League Sevens, and Rugby Union. JOMA will supply the Spanish Federation with match, training, and parade strips.
The Creative Director of the Textile Division and International Clubs Sponsorship Manager, Alberto López, explained that for JOMA it “is a very important step to support this sport, rugby, especially moving into other sports and backing them. This agreement is a turning point for JOMA given that the Federation will be competing in high-profile international tournaments such as the Women’s Rugby World Cup”.
Meanwhile, Alfonso Feijoo García, President of the Spanish Federation of Rugby, added that he feels “great satisfaction for signing up with JOMA firstly because of what JOMA represents for Spanish sport and secondly because it is a Spanish brand which is something all Spanish federations should be promoting”.