The U20 walkers have been the first to touch metal in a circuit of 10 kilometers. The team formed by Mariona García (6th with 48:49), Mireia Urrutia (10th with 49:39) and Gemma Mora (14th with 50:38) has added enough points to be third.
The same mileage (10), the U20 in the male category, led by a Pedro Conesa who has fought for victory until the end, have managed to climb to the second step of the podium. Conesa has entered 2nd and has hung the individual silver with 43:18, after him have entered his teammates Eloy Hornero (7th with 44:07) and José Mestre (17th with 45:20).
The best Spaniard at the finish line was José Ignacio Díaz with 3:52:00. Jesús Ángel García Bragado (15º with 3:57:51) is the oldest athlete of all those who have taken part in this competition. In 20th place Marc Tur (3:59:59) and Benjamin Sanchez (26th with 4:13:54) have crossed the finish line.
In the 20km, Diego García Carrera has been the best of the national team entering third with a record of 1:20:23, after him in 5th place Álvaro Martín has entered (1:20:59) and stuck to him in 6th position Miguel Ángel López has crossed the finish line (1:21:00). The group of Spaniards has been closed by Luis Alberto Amezcua who has entered 32nd with a final mark of 1:27:26.
Also, in the 20km, Laura García-Caro was the fastest Spaniard and entered 2nd (1:29:55) with Raquel González 3rd (1:30:17). In 17th position Lidia Sánchez-Puebla (1:36:17) and María Pérez (reigning European champion) came in 11th place (1:34:08), closing a day to remember.
Also mentioning Julia Takacs, she won the silver medal in the 50 km race of the European Cup of March.